Saturday, May 17, 2008

Working WIth The Japanese

Working in a foreign country can be interesting. Here you can see a typical morning at the construction site. Every morning the Japanese perform ritualized stretches and exercises to the same tune (song) they have heard for their entire lives every morning since kindergarten. This morning exercise has been around for god knows how many years. I've never seen any alteration of any kind to the recorded tune or to the type of stretch or alteration of the sequence of events. If I was a smart man, I could ponder on some deeper cultural meaning. To me, I just think its funny to see all these grown man doing their morning stretches. This next video was taken from inside my car capturing the morning warm-up exercise.

I know that most of you really want to just see more pictures of the kids. That is exactly why I am attaching two very fascinating action shots of me testing concrete building piles. Hey but this really is my life now. I performed a number of jobs in my life... I've delivered pizzas, I've drummed hazardous waste, I've bagged grocies and picked up golf balls on a golf range. I guess testing piles is just another one of those weird side jobs you find yourself doing so you can feed your family. I ask myself all the time how in the world I got myself to where I am. I really should be in the US eating the Sizzler all-you-can-eat on Tuesday nights and working a normal job.

I know work is not incredibly fascinating. So I'll put in some shots of Audrey and Emma at the beach to help add some color.


mcgoughbulls said...

Hey Kenny,

How come you're not doing your exercises? Did you get in trouble? I love these bits about the culture. Beautiful beach pictures.


deb said...

Great shots, all of them. Wish I could hear the music better on the morning stretches. I should add that to my daily routine myself. You could sell that to corporations here in the states by pitching it as a "healthy initiative" program. Seriously, we have those where I work and none of them is as good as daily stretching would be.

I like to see what your work is like. I wouldn't have a clue.
